[PS4] H: Forest Scout Mask W:Pounders, 2*STR, Reflective
What name could best describe this haircut ?
5 shots and a dream - PK wipe off drop
1k damage, 7 kills, and the dub in ~40 seconds
Riza Hawkeye back tattoo
Wattson main's, I hope you're proud of me because I finally did the thing.
Rev bringing Martyrdom to Apex
Reminder: Don't give up when your boy messes up the drop. Ft. panic Doc
One minute of Wattson zoning for the 2v3 squad wipe
The only time hitting a 9 with the PK is acceptable
Had no idea where the Maggie was and learned the true meaning of a "scary fence"
Hey standing desk gave me accuracy.
Dragonlord placidusax
My second unlock on PlayStation
Newcastle Shuffle* for the squad wipe
Games I’ve actually Completed, Any Recommendations?
Little squad wipe that I was able to clutch.
Getting the kill with your very last bullet always feels so good. Ft. The Newcastle Shuffle
Last bullet kill ft. Newcastle shield dancing. Wattson had to be SO pissed
This feels surreal. After having over 2000 hours on this game, I finally got my first 4000 damage game.
4/5 charged sentinel shots hit. 0/2 Loba's getting away.