The police officer being a werewolf in a pink dress was NOT something I expected
Ou puis-je regarder les anciennes saisons ?
Does anyone else sometimes just go visit their older builds?
AIO for not letting my daughters dad see her
Screenshots from my switch but they are relatable
uggh why cant I say no
When my ex and I broke up, he deleted my ACNH island with 2k+ hours— thought I lost any evidence of my island but my switch still has screenshots and I wanted to show off the only proof I have of the old island
Seeing other lesbians post obsessively about "tops" and "bottoms" makes me feel like I'm looking through a window into another universe.
Avis sur mon frigo??
How many calories is this?
Why are subs like FauxMoi still so pro BL?
Google says 728 calories 😳 what do you guys think?
Europeans are delusional if they think that letting all those immigrants will end in something other than their own demise
Rule 4 Confirmation
I hate Madison’s flat acting
STB de vouloir nommer ma fille ‘Manon’?
Am I the only one who misses the old SVU
Dinner in bed tonight
Quelles sont vos pièces de théâtre préférées ?
Tell me I’m not the only one….
Overestimating this breakfast at a high tea
RIP ma vie sociale sur les 3 prochains mois
Once again, J.K. Rowling slays.
The drop in people having kids is simply due to people not being able to afford kids. Any other explanations are huge reaches and have hidden agendas.
Expérimentations, aussi moches qu’ils étaient bons 🥰