VIP tickets
found the surfer boy pizzas at walmart! Anyone try these yet?
Questions for Locals!
What’s a movie that’s genuinely made you cry?
What horror movies fucked you up as a child?
At what age did you become insecure about your body, and what was it?
Car dealership recommendations?
construction at rothesay ave exit
What's the dumbest thing someone has ever told you?
Passing through the area en route to a cottage for a couple days. What are your go-to takeout dishes in SJ/Rothesay/Quispam?
Whats a sign you need to immediately go to the hospital?
Questions about visiting, moving to, or living in Maine: Megathread
covid restrictions
What is something that gets you to fall asleep at night?
Euphoria on AppleTV
Who has the best burger in the fast food chain?
Hoping to move to Saint John - what is the most family friendly community?
Weekend trip
New to City - Where to live; where to avoid