Looking for names for this sweet playful boy :)
What is your favourite colour? :3
Do you approve of my car?
Who is your favorite rapper, if you have on?
What does my fridge say about me?
How is the day treating you
How do you guys get such smooth legs? 😭
Rate my roll
What is your favourite thing to do when smoking
what’s the best way to get this gunk off my grinder?
Show me your dogs and introduce them ☺️
I need help... QmQ
hii i’m new here :)
Anyone do Invisalign and toke?
I made bubble hash
What would you name him? 1yr male tuexdo:)
I need a name for the newest member of the fam!
Just finished my latest Cannabis Painting 😃😃🙃
How have you changed in the last year?
What's a food/drink that everyone likes but you don't like at all
What weed superstitions do you have?
What is your favorite habit?
Favorite stoner movie? 🍿
Question to straight people