Pick one sequel and defend it with your life. I ain’t judging.
Those people who are borderline obsessed with romantic relationships
Could this be the year of no legend cameos for the men’s rumble
Recommended order for beginner to genre
What is your Halloween hot take?
Nikki Garcia Teases WWE Return: ‘I Miss Being Nikki Bella’
Not too bad to say I onky started breeding yesterday
Is Slender Man (2018) even worth watching?
25(M) absolutely no matches in a college town for a few months
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
When people do the extra little squirts at the end when pumping gas
Who your top 2 best mic skills 🎤🎤 wrestlers ever? Best and second best?
Questions for DMs about killing a party member
When people say they read a book when they listened to an audio book
DMs, What is the worst mistake you've made as a DM?
Is mortal shell worth it on switch
Im an old Izzy hater but I'm watching this weekend hoping he wins.
Should I get Dark Souls 3 now?
I present to you, King Derp!
If your favorite Slasher series doesn’t have a video game yet, what kind of game would you want for it to be?
Stephen King's best...romances?
What do you think is the greatest bassline on a Hip-Hop track?
I think reality TV is actually a valuable form of entertainment and can be insightful.
What is the best way to get bounty tokens?
If you still talk about ‘the one that got away’ after being married or in a serious relationship, you do not need to be together