Light Mode better than Dark mode ?
Resign as PNS
Apa kalian punya ketakutan akan kematian?
Cringe episodes
13 January 2025 - Daily Chat Thread
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Daddy touched me on the couch
Pindah dari PNS ke Bank BUMN?
Ok that's enough twitter for today
if you could go back in time and tell your younger self something, what would it be? - realistic version (non 'beli bitcoin' kind of thing) // edisi tahun baruan
If you could be born again, which country would you want to be born to?
How to remove kindle ads...
Sandwich generation yang belum married
Pasang Behel
Source : It was revealed to me in a dream (2)
Free public domain ebooks
Internet connection in Kalimantan and Sumatra
25f - what's your love language?
Should I change My Wallpaper If Yes Please Give me some awesome Friends Wallpaper
Apakah anda mandi dengan cara begini?
Pulled the trigger
New Ereader... I hate it.
Removed adv on kindle