New Grave Guard and Black Knights !
If you lived in the SW universe, which profession would you like to have?
Which remodel design looks best?
Anti-Trans Legislation
Obama apologized to the Attorney General of California after calling her the "best looking attorney general in the country" at a fundraiser in 2013.
Most hated faction to fight against in singleplayer
The ai creates their armies like a 5 year old
End Times and implications
Favorite character is this to you?
Who’s this character to you?
Favorite character that looks like you?
Oh so your an Empire fan? Name what set this is from
What a role model
Adelaide from Fallout 76 is done.
A Million Is A Statistic
What's your favorite dance scene?
Who is the main character of this Subreddit?
can someone identity this missing piece?
What are Some Jokes/References Only People on this Sub Would Understand?
If had to worship one Chaos God in real life for anyone to see who would it be?
House designed on Passive House principles survives Cali wildfire
How do people get around here in the winter without AWD or 4WD?
Best game to play a giant version of? Worst?
If you could see a guest star appear on Bluey who'd it be?
Painted Adelaide from Fallout 76 (Fishnets on a tiny robot was a new experience)