Does anyone feel really depressed when they don’t workout?
General Fitness, Lifting, and Exercise Thread
What is the dress code for women at Le Jules Verne
2 unauthorised charges on my account with 15 minutes space
Unauthorized charge
Det er utstedt arrestordre på meg
Weight Trend vs Scale Weight when Cutting?
Frustration. Any explanation?
Does tracking my period affect or impact the algorithm? If yes, in what way? Thanks
Period tracking/impact on algorithm?
how many working sets per week?
How to do my visual assessment?
Visual body fat estimate not working
Possibility of AI analysing visual body fat?
Macro Ratios?
How reliable is the food database?
Weekly Victory Thread!
I know the research on Multi vitamins is negative, but…
its so jealous of how fast i lose weight it doesn't even believe me
Jeg har fått en unik mulighet til å lage min egen gin, og dermed spør jeg dere! Hvilken smaker tror dere kan bli en banger? Vær kreativ, tester de mest populære forslagene😊
My close grip bench is stronger than normal/wide grip
Finnes det latere folk?
Blodkortet jeg villig aksepterte som 8-åring i Jehovas vitner
What happened if I don't register
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