Sick of hearing "it's just a myth"
Whats everyone's favorite Pokémon right now?
Do I need to wash my hands every single time I talk to the gods????
X has a crush on CoCo?
I'm in need of Hellenism-related images to add on my vision board
I think all Pokemon games are good :)
What are some practices related to New Year's?
Are there Hellenic practices/traditions related to New Year's?
Sorta getting tired of people using Saturnalia or Sol Invictus to counter christian stupidity
Adults, how are we affording life?
Is there such a thing as “too much/overdoing” when worshipping the gods?
What would you say is the “best” divination tool for communicating with the gods?
For you, what makes a second chance trope work, and what ruins it?
What are the DS/3DS games needed for a living dex?
Can I bring pokemon from my 3ds to my switch?
How much can late-diagnosis regression affect??
How to deal with feeling guilty over “not worshipping enough”?
Autistic people run on a different OS than others
which are your autism friendly video games?
I need some MMM romances, aka gay why choose/throuples
Saying that you ‘loved the plot twist’ is a spoiler!
Garman & Leonora from The Unlovely Bride by Alice Coldbreath
Do y’all like super open door Christmas romances?
Why the awful nicknames…and why are they used so much?
hate books with physical body descriptions