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Opening Spots for Free Readings: In Memoriam
What to do in 12 hour layover
Full moon readings✨💫
What to do in 12 hour layover in Switzerland?
Hi friends ☺️ I want to correct my eyelids and nasaolabial pores. Is that for a partial face lift? Any advice?
Psychic gave me a date my dad would fall ill on
What’s the most psychopathic thing about you?
If you had $3000/mo with no job, what would you do all day?
What’s the most fucked up thing a celebrity or politician has said or done?
What is something fucked up you wish upon your enemy?
How would you describe the smell of sweat to someone born without any sense of smell?
What brings out your worst side?
What is one absurdly common and widely recognized concept, object, or event that you’ve had to explain to somebody (As if they were born yesterday) ?
What is something immorally wrong you wish upon your enemies?
Free Oracle Pulls
What poor meal would you still eat if you were a billionaire?
who do you consider to be a god awful actor?
Who do you feel like punching in the face when you see them and why?
What do you think happens after death?
Looking for goofy names for this goofy cat
Can’t for the life of me pick a name for my new kitten. Nothing seems to fit right
What should I name this baby? My cousin gave me him on New Years Eve & I need a name that fits him🥺