Getting Up Seems Easier?
Independent living & Autism
Autism Support
How big will my lab get?
6 months lease apartment
Non-stop illness
Issues with Almond Flour?
Space Heater - 5 Weeks
Space Heater??
Juniper is 5.5 month and a healthy 43lbs. Rough guesses of her final weight ?
Climbed Through Window?
Pregnant with Celiac
Allergies still???
I'm bored and want to draw dogs doing something funny. So comment a pic of your dog and I will draw it!
Latham Walmart
Best local gym for COMPLETE beginner?
Ordering in Bulk?
I wish we tried this weekend
Convinced I’m sick when I’m not
Walmart - self check out
On A Limb Tree Service is horrible!
DSP Week Advice?
My 6 week old “piranha” is in the teething phase and is tearing up my hands. Any advice?