So this just happened. Obligatory apology for it being yet another MR Test screenshot.
Looking for girls to join our only female kingdom
My review and thoughts on Warframe after 50 hours.
What is actually the point of responding to a WTB and then doing this? I legit waited 10 minutes for this dude
Hi I’m completely new to warframe came from the first descendents
make sure to always check your offer on Warframe Market
Hayden Tenno in 1999's credits
Another banger episode incoming
I don't care how bad Destiny gets, I am NOT playing Warframe!
Dear Lightbearers, be not afraid. For you're now in the motherly hands of the devs that care and the community that is there for you all :)
Milestone attachment set does make for good Ironman/girl cosplay
What Would You Do?
You know its bad when you have more plat than creadits
How do yall use the trade chat? I cant read fast enough lol
Something strange in my orbiter
Opinions on this freak?
Is it possible to get 165 platinum in a month?
Can we please stop with the “Should I play” or “Should I return” posts? Yes, you should play/return.
I really wanna make a orbiter library 😭plz DE give us books😭
Who needs a femboy roommate?❤️
I found out my sister is lgbtq+ (she doesn’t know I know yet)
Get down mr president!
Weirdo in lua omnia
Valhalla is a miserable gaming experience