Tony is so wholesome for not suspending guys, just ghosting them..
Meltzer: AEWs young talent haven't improved in the way they should due to not getting enough reps in or working outside dates. No it's not Tonys fault he's overpaying them so they don't feel a need to work elsewhere & cuz their boss is a pushover, HE'S WHOLESOME
Me watching m'fellow goofs saying Horseman condemning fascism is some 'performative bullshit'.
Favorite Samoa Joe “walk away” spot?
Age 14 -> 27. Still the same height though 🥲
The level of insane AI gameplay insanity has become ridiculous in recent months
Has anyone obtained a 'carta de invitation' from someone living in Spain for the purposes of a schengen visa?
I am 14 and this is deep. I feel like nobody understands the way I feel/think.
You chase after me from the Dub, friend??
How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? - Hip Homie Hunter
JD McDonagh’s statement following his match on Raw tonight
REEEEE PorNXXXT is gonna re-monopolise m'Business (insider term) by making "TNA" literal!!!
DAE Sloppy Shop?
Sunny's explosive attitude is exactly why Veah was right to bring Rory
Mass confusion about requirements for me to marry in the Philippines as a UK citizen.
DAE Have fun in catering?! We already have Kamille and Megan Bayne?!
PWInsider: Dakota Kai injured. In other news, grass is green.
Who does this MARK think he is? Don't mind the fact he host weekly podcasts with wrestling legends that know more about the business than us sickos!
Niles Needs To Stop
Vanja flew back to Croatia, hoping she and Josko would get back together after the video incident and him breaking up with her? That's insanely desperate thing to do...
Tell-All Tea told by Gino??
Does Everyone Suck?
I got reminded that Brodie Lee saved Dark Order. Also, this should have been an indicator on how bad the Dub does staples.
Finally the fan fave who will save the DUB is returning to change the game, restart the hype, and restore the feeling. THANK YOU TONY the Fed will surely be dead when this happens.
SI's Rich gUUKichno: The storyline for Timeless Toni is an all-timer, saying otherwise is bad faith!