Prior to 1946, 'arsenokoitai' was translated to mean 'boy molesters' in Bibles of multiple languages
Did I just see Kwame from Love is Blind S4 interviewing for MAFS S10?
Have the experts ever formally apologized for some of their picks?
What is your take on the story of Noah's flood, do you believe a global flood literally happened roughly 4k years ago as described in the bible or do you believe the story was metaphorical? Why?
St. Irenaeus Day and Irenaeus' Research into Heresies
What do Christians believe?
Help to uncover a fake exchristian
DAE feel like Season 13 is 9 vaginas and Gil?
Since we dont have evidence outside of the bible insisting jesus resurrection does that validate islam and judaism ?
What are the differences between the types of Christianity?
How do these experts have jobs when their success rate is so abysmal?
What About Those Vikings?
Any other seasons with dramatic trainwrecks like Alyssa/Chris?
Progressive "christianity"
How should we go about debating/presenting christianity to athiests?
Does God make people gay? Christian apologist answers
Christianity is an ideology
How do you navigate choices when you know the Bible wasn't written by God?
Why does it feel so hard to have faith in God
I’m a Conservative Quaker AMA
If conservative Christians can impose laws banning gay marriage in a secular country on non-Christians, then can Hindus impose laws to ban eating beef for non-Hindus? Can Muslims propose requiring women wear hijabs? I can't imagine Christians would want to follow those laws.
AITA for ditching my wife at the mall because she was taking too long?
It’s my first baby.
AITA for wanting to sue my husband's sister for losing my 2k camera at the beach?
[Review Video] Latest Pokemon Ultra Sun Hardcore Randomizer Nuzlocke Episode on my channel