Form groups of 6 to retire early?
What nootropic / supplement changed your life?
Hi, what's are some high end tv's in terms of quality performance and other specs.
How to stop feeling negative energies that you sense in other people?
Official Invite Requests, Round 35 - Leave a reply here, get an invite.
Hi, is tekken 8 a lot better than tekken 7?
Hi, anyone want to join a machine learning discord server, we like to share our learnings with each other.
[D] Self-Promotion Thread
How do i get started learning tensorflow?
Warming up with a lighter racquet making a huge difference??
Why are planned career gaps frowned upon?
Do planned career gaps actually matter?
I finished the game, I'm not sure how I feel about that ending.
Any Extension to notify me of new posts from a facebook group that I'm part of?
How good do you think Black Ops 6 will be?
Hi, I have a query about mortgages
Bruise on leg that doesn't feel like a normal bruise
Can someone explain what's happening with the Shroud of Turin
How do INFJ people find relationships?
Going from being mostly liked as a child to mostly being hated as we grow up, even by random strangers, is SUPER weird.
Old Kratos vs Young Kratos
What if you re-birthed as an immortal fish with no threats in the area
Macbook Pro 2019 owner, looking for a budget laptop that's durable
Anyone want to join a Machine Learning group?