Passed - a write up for people strapped for time
FYI: Step1 doesn’t test “pharmacotherapy” anymore.
I passed🤗😊
Eligibility period extension
Reviewing NBMEs
Offering Uworld subscription. Expires Jan 1st
First Aid 2020 vs 2024
How long should dedicates be for usmle step 1?
let em out 🔫
Can someone explain this dirty med ethics question please?
Took the exam today AMA
One of the Worst days of my life
If you could go back in time and do something for the very first time, what would it be?
Does the thought of death scare you?
Ijlal saifullah
Is this still helpful
Got blocked by Izzah lol
What’s the most frustrating subject in med school
Girls, what are the red flags and green flags in a Pakistani guy?
What do you guys look for in a spouse
Yakhni pulao with salad, raita and green chutney is far superior to biryani. Change my mind.
Question for Married men