Dating former patients
Concession fare for reg
First Reg Job Advice?
[NSW] when do we get to strike?
Are you more sympathetic to the psychiatrists or train drivers claim for a pay rise
Are you more sympathetic to the psychiatrists or train drivers
One word to describe Nick Coatsworth
Contact your MP
Are you a member of the public who thinks psychiatrists should be happy with the current rate of pay?
Joke of a government
NSW Health Facebook post about psychiatry
How to be approachable yet reduce my workload when taking consults
New Doctor Starting on Monday
Why Nursing is Hard?
Any financial advice for new interns?
Psychiatry misunderstood and perceived inferior
ICU term advice
What will happen to the psych registrars?
Melb Uni Anatomy Course during Internship?
People saying they won't vote labour have short memories -> the liberals fucked us
Unions silent on the biggest issues of our generation in healthcare?
Actually doing something... Consensus Statement 2025 Drafting
Why are so many doctors so socially inept at best and obnoxious at worst
Advice to junior to doctors referring to medicine from ED
I am lowkey enjoying watching non- GPs finally sweat about the guvmint destroying their specialities.