Lost Places Kärnten
#lostplace #austria
Why do people call Leatherface Bubba???
Bug in online
These numbers are just sad
What’s up with you bums not feeding grandpa?
Leaks about the future of the game
Sissy buil
Potential major character return in Saw X???
[52 days until release] What games have you been playing to pass the time till release?
Pre order on Amazon
Who will be playing TXCM on PS4?
What do you guys think is the hardest trap in the whole series?
What television series had the biggest bullshit finale?
Pre Order
This night I had a dream that the TCSM Game released and I played it.
Hitchhiking on the road (escape root)
Lets Take a closer look at the Family and enter Hells Kitchen!
I’m sure this has been asked before…
Will the killers only have specific weapons to use? Or can they have others like can Johnny have a machete?
Ps plus subscription needed for online play?
who do you guys think you're gonna main?