does anybody else do this?
I used to love swimming but stopped going. Now I'm older I wanna swim again but don't want to stick out... How do you go about avoiding that?
What weird physical Symptoms do you get from being overstimulated?
Rabbits are the most autistic unfriendly animals to have
What do you collect, if anything? I just heard ND people are more likely to have collections.
Oh, it's stimming
how to make the most out of vacation when constantly exhausted?
Book recommendation
DAE experience this strange, unpleasant sensation when something is too tight around their stomach?
Autism, ADHD and Rage
What, if any, aides do you use to fall asleep at night?
This is one of the BEST autism rep character I've ever seen
Anyone Else Hate "Spoon Theory"?
does anyone else not pass as NT?
Since Autism is a spectrum are there people with little to none sensory issues?
Autistic woman hobbies
DAE find ADHDers chaotic energy frustrating?
Your unpopular opinion for the neurotipical world?
How did you live mandatory mask période?
What's yall's comfort show?
Anyone else have trouble watching new movies/shows, even stuff you like?
honestly I wish
Anyone else find travel overrated?
Do you all have high standards of others?