It's wild how swelling can change from day to day
Revision Rinoplasty
Supratip swelling Vs Polly beak deformity at 3 months post-op(?)
My husband's been a completely different person lately.
Welcome to the Designated LC request post!
Was your rhinoplasty worth it? And how much did you pay for it?
Is there anything I can do about potential scar tissue? 3 months post op
I regret open casket viewing
My partner has mastered the art of communication during luteal
My 1920s art deco engagement ring
What part of your nose experienced the most and least swelling?
How is everyone affording treatments?
Clementine (the queen) 🍊
Rhinoplasty looking progressively worse
My sister just died
How many people got a call from DWP before tribunal offering a rate?
Best jobs for women with ADHD?
Impending doom?
What’s The Worst Drug You’ve Ever Done?
my kitten passed away yesterday and i’m having a hard time processing it.
What cosmetic procedure do you regret getting?
What’s something you hate hearing from people without ADHD?
Before/After Lip Fillers on Small Lips
3 weeks post-op subtle closed rhino side profile
Feel like giving up on meds