The new patch is problem for the game
What is your HOTTEST and SPICIEST Predecessor Take?
Do the passive effects on these items apply to heroes like Kwang or Steel?
Imposter Jay Account
Whats going here? We got drama in the pred community?
Looking for Streamers with Good Vibes
Does Citadel stack if multiple heroes on the same team use it???
Predecessor players right now
Fastest Rage Quit For Enemies On Predecessor, Sparrow Is OP
Good content creator to help learn the game?
Bring back Gadget’s OG Skin
Kira needs to go or get nerfed
YouTube Pred Content Recommendations
Why can’t Omeda just port skins like this to Predecessor
IS THIS NORMAL??? Omeda please fix these bugs! (ignore bad play plz, it was a tough day)
Last hitting with Grux (or in general) feels delayed/weird? New Player
I do love pred, but what a crappy day on it!
Which Hero is unbalanced/ OP in your eyes? - Let me know
Redesigning Feng Mao's passive, "Precision Strike"
Does running Viper + Basilisk apply 2 stacks of corrode per hit?
Countess and Belica Ult
Whichever team has the least playstation players almost always wins. Change my mind.
How Come Pred has such low viewership on twitch?
25,000 matches today, and I play against the best Offlaner in the world.
THUNDER GOD Build and Guide