Sweet Glitchy Memories From A Time Long Ago
is this the down voters tinder pic? (low effort meme)
Well sky bases are bannable now...
This Crusader Pistol seems pretty great so far on the snake what pistols should i test?
Alright more discussion today! FAVORITE BOSS & WHY comment below
Best Melee If You Disagree Your Opinion is Invalid
H: Leaders W: Van Ap Sent and a Bol Ap Sent Ultracite Sets
So i been testing weapons on a snake i ran a Q 25 25 Railway honestly its a S teir in raids whats my fellow dwellers thoughts?
H: mods W: 5 leaders per star
H: Bos JS W: Leader Offers
H: 5 Aegis Bundle W: Leader Offers
H: 5 Scanner 4*Bundle W: Leaders
H: 5 Ranger Bundle W: Leader Offers
Would Yall Say Gat Plas New S+ Heavy weapon? nothing compares to it in raids.
Now that we are already blasting into the new year hows everyones year starting!
H: BE25 Elders Mark W: Leaders
Hey i found the spam down voter guys!
Well whats some QoL changes would you make? (QoL=Quality of Life)
so how does people feel about raids now its been awhile
H: Leaders W: 5 civil engineer under armors with shielded
H: 250 Leaders W: 10 coffee per leader
H: 240 Leaders W: Canned Coffee 1L for 8c
H: 4 Star Mods Shown W: Leaders
H:5000 Leader Bobbles W:25 Relective Mods (200 per)