What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
Any contenders for this in Perth?
First movie to make you cry?
Which lens spends the most time on your mirrorless, full frame camera? Why?
Those who dipped into their super during the pandemic. Do you regret it?
What are the more incredible “must-see” films you’ve ever watched, that you never want to watch again?
My sister is a model, and I am incredibly unattractive. AMA
What are the more incredible “must-see” films you’ve watched, that you never want to watch again?
What are the more incredible films you’ve watched, that you never want to watch again?
I don’t feel comfortable sleeping with someone if they’re seeing other people? [28M] [30F]
I [24M] was a virgin and I’m really bothered by my GF [23F] being experienced?
Five years ago, my closest female friend asked to be my girlfriend, and when I politely declined, she committed suicide. I think about it every single day. AMA
Feeling bored in Perth
What just fell from the sky? Stirling Highway
Jewellery to pair with Manolos
Best Beach Side Restaurant Perth
Interior photography lenses
What’s the most useless thing you still have memorized?
Women who left a rich guy, why did you do it?
What’s something someone did that immediately turned you on?
My (33M) wife (30F) and her family are obsessed with the idea that if her older sister was alive, I would be with her instead. I’m worried about her, how can I help?
What’s everyone’s AB comfort meal?
What’s the price you’ve paid for being yourself?
Cost of living is crazy, need to find work.
Too much dairy causing lactose intolerance?