When Gandalf frees Theoden from the spell.
For some reason, this soldier has always stood out to me. Do y’all have that one background character that stands out to you?
Now we know which way the Orcs took Merry and Pippin
How are orcs made? (Nonserious)
The one ring?
Thoughts? Awesome concept but a darker wood would look better
“Grond they named it, in memory of the hammer of the underworld of old.” Whose memory?
Fifth of March…
If Tolkien had written The Hobbit in the style of The Lord of the Rings, how cool would that have been for you?
Where can I read the Vinyar Tengwar linguistic journals?
One of my favorite passages, where one of the Valar actually reveal themselves to, and give council to, a mortal man.
On today's episode of "Pimp my halls"
Here is it
The Dragon's Eye Stone Mine In The UK
Got some new decorations for my room
Is Aragorn under the doom of the noldor?
I'm only 1.5 fëanors mad. My parents had me tested.
Did Galadriel go by Artanis or Nerwen in Valinor?
Naming the Dog
UU probably has better food...
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
With Hobbit houses covered in grass, do you think Hobbits would walk on each other's houses? Or do you think that was considered rude?
Well, well, well…Denethor II is still alive!!!!