Is having too much hair on hand disgusting to look at?
1420-1600 in 15 days
guys rawdogging the sat does NOT work
India Parents should learn how to do Parenting, dumass mfs
The wildest stories of your school🤔🤔
Should I shoot my shot !?
“Good kid”is a scam
25M, Profile Review. Your honest thoughts please..
Why are students of MANIT are on a protest ?
is there brain rot in indian students??
Critique it ? lol
Gift ideas for boyfriend btao
why are single dudes so picky
First 1600 :)
Forget girls, even Indian women are turning to inconsiderate crap
This guy was just born few days ago, suggest names for him
is community college required before bachelors?
femcel rant
Any other names you can suggest? lol
I'd prefer dying
How many genders are there?
Who‘s been your favourite signing of the Arteta era so far?
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