HSN is moving to West Chester
What is your relationship with solitude?
Are we……boring?
FYI: Remember the Quirkyalone Movement?
The ‘hobby people’ are truly insufferable and exhausting
how do people have energy after 8-5 job?
One of AG's prettiest dolls in one of their prettiest outfits... can't wait for spring!
Are married people secretly unhappy?
I enjoy being single, but I wonder if I’ll regret it later
Does losing weight actually make people feel better?
What is it like when an INFJ "hates" someone?
Is it really that weird/uncommon to stay inside all day?
Inferiority Complex
Anyone else can't imagine living with someone?
Today I had one of those rare 'Glad I'm an INFJ' moments
The Least “Hallmark-y” Hallmark Movie
Who is Bobbi Ray Carter’s plastic surgeon
Highly recommend making your voice heard to businesses and others
Just a suggestion Q - please put on a host whose voice is not grating for the early morning slot. Rosina is not it
Does anyone else feel like you just can’t connect with most people?
Jen Coffey’s Farewell Show
Big was actually really kind to Carrie?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but after watching His & Hers (2024), I think the Hallmark execs have a point regarding the ages of their leads
not sad about being alone for Xmas
What person in your life currently are you most jealous of and why?