How many of you actually split bills 50-50 with a male partner?
How long it took you to realise this is my life now?
After 12 years, he’s finally ready to talk about marriage, but I think it’s too late.
Baby as a Business Owner
I'm thinking about starting an architecture podcast.
Exactly. We do not have inflation. We have price gouging.
Solo-practices, what’s your software stack?
Which signs are you sexually attracted to and which ones do you struggle to find sexy?
Should people already move to areas expected to be less impacted by climate change?
Self employed Architects, how many years of experience did you have before venturing on your own?
Having kids at 35-40
Do men have something against independent women?
How long on chores each day?
INFJ women, how do men respond to you?
Women that were considered seriously beautiful in your twenties, how is ageing treating you?
I want a group of friends SO BAD it’s killing me :(
Best holidays ever?!
What did you do that allowed you to get promoted/ move forward faster than your peers in your career
New architect & looking young
Thirties are some of the best years of your life
What's the most non serious hill you will die on?
Onion drying rack
Book recommendations
Read a post yesterday asking if your husband makes your life easier and after reading the comments I feel insecure about my relationship
Boyfriend is not sure about spending the rest of his life with me