Why is he so cool
The 20v1 series getting hate now, what do people actually want? I love this series and cant wait
Hey Simon what do you think of this fight?
I unapologetically play assisted mode.
Na No way!
My disappointment is immeasurable
Garnt and Sydney? (I'M SORRY IN ADVANCE)
Re3 remake isn’t as bad as people say it is
What character do you guys think he plays? 🤔
Lewis IS BACK!!!
Garnt anime vs Connor anime vs Joey anime
I finished the main story of DMC5 and am about to start the Vergil DLC, anything I should know?
I don't know if this was a good combo or not
Guys i realized im trash at Dante so i need help for be better at him. (And i have trouble at using skills sometimes, for example im trying use ice age but its use crystal)
The statue looked just like JJ
This is a DMD boss fight by the way lmao
Joey new single drop!!!?????
JJ, we got some competition
Making a Curly plushie