If you could force Pierce to write a spinoff novel what would you want to see the most?
What's a Minor Change You Would Make to the Series?
I know a lot of people have a lot of things to say about Veilguard, but what are some things you think it gets right?, like highlights of the game or moments that stood out to you?
Names that weren't used
Finished Light Bringer! Can finally join the discussion without worry of spoilers! Let’s talk.
Favorite Deaths
Iron Gold to Dark Age
Atlas and the Gorgons
Red God Discussion around you know who
Kalindora au San (The Love Knight)
What’s your favorite book? Spoilers
Halla's Resolve
Theories about Eidmi?
Opinions on my crude concept for a RR tattoo?
Favorite moment so far
Just finished Iron Gold and really don’t understand that hate
Fear Knight
[Theory] Who is the Red God
Darrow’s future speculation
I think Will Poulter would be an incredible Darrow. Yes, he is pretty old now but I assume gold teenagers often look older than what we would consider the typical 18 year old.
Are the golds stupid?
I fucking love this reveal in Lightbringer
RR Series Hot takes
What's the one PvP battle that you can't forget?