Cat Heaven gained one of its biggest angels today and I’m destroyed 😭
Quincy died today
64-year-old woman allegedly paid 2 kids $5 to shovel her driveway, then assaulted them
I could use a laugh, let's see what you got
My flatmate is harrassing me through WhatsApp
Girlfriend angry for peeing in the sea, is it a normal thing to do?
I'm at a pub and I can join their Spotify session on my account... I've got stage fright. What the hell do I play to abuse this opportunity?
Refused a bottle of beer because I had my child with me
Your username is what kills half the population. What is it?
AITA for shaming my fiance after he suggested wasting a wedding spot on his friend who passed away 6 years ago
What makes a girl immediately attractive?
The first virtual rape. British police are investigating the rape of a 16-year-old girl by men in a video game
Wouldn’t pay for my one drink on first date
How can I eliminate my desire to be with a woman?
Men: what does it mean /why do some guys whisper ‘hey’ during sex? [serious]
If you could place any object on the surface of Mars, purely to confuse NASA scientists, what would it be?
My wife leaves me with our newborn son for an hour a day while she takes a bath
Be honest: how attractive would you say you are?
WIBTA if I used part of my paternity leave to visit my family?
[From r/uk_food] What is your hangover cure? 😀
Hangover cure fry up including homemade chilli hash brown and wild boar black pudding
A guy I hooked up with won’t text me first
American on holiday here. Is this normal?
What are things guys notice about girls but never say?
Collecting a parcel delivered to the neighbour only for them to say "I never took for that" then threatening to punch you
UPDATE 3: Both my ex and the guy that she cheated on me with played me.