H: bos jumpsuit W: offers
(PS4) (Discussion) got scammed from these 2 guys. Please report them. Their gamertags are below 👇 thank you🙏🙏 stay safe community
Raids complaining
Has anyone in here completed the challenge of playing fo76 for 7600 hours? I have only played the game for 103
W: Ultracite jetpack helm H: 50 leaders
(Discussion) when do we get murruph in mile post?
H:Reflective mods W: nuka cola quantum, unstoppables 4 mag or Leaders
[XB1] H: 50k lead W: crimson flux offers
Same vulcan plans dropping multiple times
This game was special to me. Im sad it never had the chance to show it's full potential. Thank you devs.
What is something you did when you first started playing that ended up being a big mistake?
Folks Hate to See Wins
H: caps and a few 4* and 3 star mods w: deathclaw gauntlet and extra claw plan
[XB1] H: max level unrolled legacy excavator jet pack torso W: offers
Was vendorhopping because bored when I found this
H: mods W: leaders/apparel/big, energy, small, melee bobbles/ quantum’s offers
Does anyone do caravans anymore?
H: legacy sword (bladeless revolutionary sword) W: Offers
H: 4 Star LMG W: 40 leaders
H: Leadeers W: BE25 flamer or BE
H: 100k lead W: steel offers
H: mods W: demon, loon, fiend
H: full set of uny ap wwr scout armor set W: offers, can also throw in urban scout mask
what is the best way to build the cremator? stars and barrel?
Level 1000, finally