SILENT HILL f Hinako Illustration (made by me)
Trump looks shit even when bombing the Houthis
far-righters pretending to be pro-palestine is so odd to me
Mišljenje popularnog strimera Asmongold na trenutno stanje u našoj državi. Ne znam dal smejati ili plakati, ali me čovek jeste zasmejao dobro.
Asmon reaguje na hapšenje Vesića
Asmongold je napravio prilicno dobar video na temu jucerasnjih protesta. Vidim da je informacije za video uzimao sa ovog subreddit-a.
Tesla is done in Germany: 94% say they won't buy a Tesla car
So when do you think Silent Hill f will release?
Tankies in shambles
"Nije majka ćaci rodila": Najzanimljiviji transparenti na studentskim protestima
Twitch Streamer Asmonbald is on this subreddit and is following the Serbian protest
Šta ide na RTS-u neposredno nakon Vučićevog obraćanja
Is the tsarkov the only one shot headshot marksman rifle that also isn’t a three round burst?
Vučić već počeo pisati bestseller
SILENT HILL f official PC system requirements
Major Siren vibes from Silent Hill f
Protest je propao
Chudjak is real!
Thanks C(h)uck
Да ли је ово истина или не, одлучите ви: наводно, Израел наоружава Србију.
US expels South African ambassador after remarks on Trump
Schumer apologizes for calling Republicans ‘bastards’
Holy shit this is embarrassing
Crveni tepih ispred Ada Mall-a
Motivacija za sutra