Any MAgic Sword fans here?
Fiancé is banning hardcore on carrides, what do I do?
Hardcore mode weapon choice
'Blammo, that happened'
What are the worst things to say right after sex?
Welder appreciation: Monocle Lewinsky
Back catalog recs
“Absolute unit” doesn’t even come close to describing this horse
What do these two ports do at the front of my gpu?
I did stupid ass shit today. Gizz held it down
question about bios update
Question about budget cpu upgrade
Which one of you did this? Got em with the oldest trick in the book
Police Won't Do Anything When I Call? Then I'll Just Get You To Call Them On Yourself
What do you guys think about my greenhouse layout.
Did Zooey leave the podcast?
Question about progression *spoilers*
Pc lost power and now won't boot
Thankful for this community
Does anyone know a good download for this game on PC? One that's easy to download and I can actually save a game and come back and load my save. Would love to revisit this.
Woke up this morning to quite a nice amount of gold
Could this be a stone tool?
Found at Thrift Store Today
Favorite/Least favorite guest?
i accidentally blew up my statue of endless fortune