The twins 🐿️
Yanmega/Leafeon/Water Energy Deck Could Not Be More Fun
February 20th banner - Urabe, Kofi
KHS for Next Dream
February 13th banner - Levin
Battle Pass: Federiks (Next Dream)
Next rework batch
Trades are VERY expensive 😅
January 23th banner - Payol, Pepe
Barca Tsubasa and Bayern Genzo will be our January SDF
January 21th banner - Zlatamovic/Zanetty
Ishizaki - Napoleón
Upcoming banners: SDC Napoleon/Ishizaki, ND Zlatan/Zanetty
Is Zino broken?
One Piece: Chapter 1135
KHS and Kaltz - December 19th Step-up banner
And the next two SS to come are : Natureza and Salinas
At this point I'm thinking everyone is lying and Charmeleon just doesn't exist.
Please send a "thanks" to your opponent
Repeat on turn 2 for maximum effect
Another new banner and another campaign devoid of DB’s..
Misaki and Ochado full stats leak
September 19th banner - Mbappa, Raymar
September SDC - Nitta, Teigerbran