This pretty much sums up how I felt after six hours of trying to fully compendium all the snakes and birds on Guarma. I don't think I've ever seen a man less happy to see a Booby up-close.
People of Reddit, out of 7 deadly sins, which sin shapes your life most?
Regarding license theory test
Rainbow in camp
tub arthur
For those who have 100%'d the game, what was the last thing you did to achieve it.
Which is better?
If Jin Sakai had a different name, what do you think it should be?
People don’t pay attention to reflective surfaces
How can I open this chest with Atreus?
My first homemade pizza
What country is this? Wrong answers only
What pets are legal?
How many hours
favourite citscebe in gta san andreas?
Kriyu is just trying to be a good dad
Should I get hired gun kit?
favourite / least favourite animals?
What are Your Prefered Hunting Spots?
Did anyone get the legend of the east satchel before epilogue?
Good morning valentine.