[WTT][WTS]Santal 33(bottle)
[WTS][WTT]Le Labo Santal 33(bottle)
[WTS][WTT] Le Labo Santal 33(bottle)
What do you think about legislation limiting telework to become law for federal workers?
If someone wanted to eat Nothing but Pita chips would they be able to like survive on that like one thousand cal of pita chips per day why or why not?
[WTT] Roja Isola Blu 35/50 ML (Bottle)
People who smoke weed, what is your reasoning?
What are your opinions, do you think weed is a performance enhancing drug in the world of professional eating?
This World is getting dumber by the minute. Where the fuck is Mike Judge?
Do people still draw on other people's casts? If so, what do you guys draw on them?
What would you imagine your favorite number smells like?
If you had to choose one historical figure to be your roommate, who would it be and why?
Which person made the most amount of money with the least amount of talent?
What the heck is with all of these insane tornado outbreaks in the United States the past few weeks?
What TV intro do you refuse to skip?
What’s your favorite scent?
Whats you're favorite car?
What is the most stupid or peculiar thing your pet has done?
What's the best way to whiten your teeth without spending a whole lot of money at the dentist?
Where is your dream wedding?
What’s the fastest job you’ve ever quit a job and why?
which is the most unhealthy food you enjoy eating?
What car would Jesus drive today?
If your younger self was standing opposite to you, and you had the power to give them life-changing advice, what would you say?
how does comment karma work?