The Trouble With Elon: Sam Harris
The actor interviews on the breakfast show are always so cringe. Mostly because of the actors.
Trump and crypto
Count down to no more Grimshaw! Only today and tomorrow to endure!
what's the worst part of working in comms/PR?
Are the buses running?
I’m eating ALL the chocolate and it’s starting to worry me.
Bus fare gone up to £2.60! 30% rise.
How has not drinking helped you as a parent?
Kaspa up by 10% in 24hr, big dip first to 10c or climbing up to 20c?
bottom is in 🍻
Wider crypto market analysis
What's the funniest nickname you've heard/called someone?
Martin Roberts says Homes Under the Hammer crew found body in bedroom
What is your Kaspa price prediction?
No way kas dropped to top 40 when it was literally in top 30
Where do you get your relief from life without alcohol?
Can poor nutrition trigger poor mental health symptoms?
Why isn't Binance listing KASPA?
Sold all my $KAS
Wise bank no longer crypto friendly
What do I do...
What did most of the people who were attracted to you have in common?
is sheffield city centre better or worse than nottingham city centre in terms of safety?
It was wokeness after all