This will give Pedro a heart attack (2022)
Was nmp hacked? He changed his name and when I search for him the search history replaces nmplol with "To Be Silent"
Bro really likes water 💀
FEBRUARY 14th can't come soon enough
Day 7: Cocktail-making with Emily, Katchii, Nick, Esfand, and Dean
If you don’t treat him right you’re gonna lose him.
Streamers in cars
Who the fuck is MrArther
Congrats on the awards, Best Duo on Twitch <3
W Stream, W Date, W Season Finale \\Cinema//
Cant wait to see the RTG again
Congrats RTG for the nomination, Hoping for the first place <3.
Congrats RTG for the nomination, Hoping for the first place nmpL.
Congrats RTG for the nomination, Hoping for the First place nmpL
Fanfan Explains What's up with Her and Arther
EZ my man