I just realized that canonically, since Delmarva is a combination of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, that the US Flag in Steven Universe would have 47 stars. (Or 51 if this is an extra state in addition to the previous 50 states.)
What does this image remind you of
What size condoms do you spirits use?
Vladimir Putin has a ______ peepee
Jarvis, I’m low on ____.
MapPorn Discussion Thread for February, 2025
The new Reddit achievement reward will be ______
Give my future son a name.
Joseph Stalin was ____ guy
Last time I saw a karen, ____ happened.
I like _____ after sex
Being a human is cool, but I'd rather be a _________
I ___ Humpty Dumpty
u/_____ is a whore
What reddit alternative should we all go to?
The best country is ___.
______ in Paris
If r/reddit.com is the father, who is the mother?
Spirits, how often do you take a shower?
Bet ya can't spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
What would Michael Jackson say if he was revived?
What the ____