New to me SJC Josh Dun Signature
what do you guys think of my drum kit?
I guess I’m a sergeant now
How bad have you let a cymbal get before trashing it?
something I hate about this community.
I don’t drum or know anything about drums but the ceiling of my office is covered in cymbals.
What does my snare head say about me
Bengal go Tank Bowl
Lost my best friend and traumatised about the way she looked
What does my kit say about me?
Everytime I play I get blisters like this
Will we get a firing today?
What's the best low volume option?
Just got this… very disappointed.
How to stop wood tips from sucking
What does my recording setup say about me?
Dead mouse in bass drum
easiest song for a drummer
Even if we get in
Drum setup 2 toms or 3 toms?
What a disappointing trade deadline
What is the best part about this song/music video? Day 45: Dirty Harry
AITA for ignoring unoriginal strangers
How do we feel about the drum key necklace?
I want lighter sticks!!!