only if we had hard mode!
Armor Penetration and Bullet Effectiveness
Highlight reel of some of my best heli take downs
This armor beat up so bad that it still had use for it.
Enemy appears where I just destroyed their beacon seconds ago
Space City and Brakkesh
What does the mortar strike lookin’ things do?
This game got one of the worst spawns... also please add hard or easy space city for new players to learn the map...
SBMM in Operations?
2 keycards in less than a minute...
Road rage attacker gets insta karma
I think Delta is taking a very bad path, and becoming more and more like COD, the warfare matches are getting too fast.
if you guys got problem with controlling recoil try bipods on your guns, the build at the end of the video.
Brakesh, why 1 hour every 2 hours rotation for seasonal quests
How to do this mission? I can't equip anything but I also cannot start normal operation without 115k value
You all hated on the bots. As an OCE I would like them back please
Just wondering, whats your sens and FOV in this game?
Random FPS drops?
What is this crap?
im sorry but whos idea was it to add TUTORIAL mid gun fight to a lvl 60 accounts? isnt 1 TUTORIAL enough when you start your first game?
Solo wiped a squad, got kicked from the server for no reason and lost everything
Any info about battle royale mode in future?
What the hell!!?
New major event for Ascension