Forgotten EF4s: Shoal Creek, AL (2011, 22 Fatalities)
There’s a lot to unpack here…
Found a planet that is over 4,000 degrees fahrenheit
Planet of the Black Rainbow (Zubeneschamali 5)
I found a triple gas giant system
What's up with these roads to nowhere in Northern Maine?
Some more dwarf planet flag designs!
Dwarf Planet flag designs!
One of my folders got stuck…
Pluto Flag Design
Some more asteroid flag designs (9-15)
More designs for asteroid flags (5-9)
I am do busy not gaming disturb 🎮
My designs for asteroid flags (1-4)
Flag for asteroid 16 Psyche
Is this Andromeda? Or just some random star?
Dreamed Mr Beast Got Exposed Again
What is your favorite Lego Game?
Old people names that aren’t coming back into fashion?
This flashed in my brain at 5 in the morning
Multi-player Let's Plays