How to get started working on a grammar correction without a pretrained model?
How to implement grammar correction from scratch over a weekend?
Show me the playlists you're most proud of
Finally, got an offer! Made it to the Big Three.
I am on write Tracks. without buying any connects.
Dating in Ethiopia
How can we compete with people like this?
Should I still apply if a job has 20 - 50 proposals?
What am I doing wrong?
I was rejected, what do I do now?
For those who landed a big tech job
They have no shame
Where can I find ከርቤ, እጣን, attar to purchase in Addis?
Be honest, what do you want right now?
need to chase
Brazil has the biggest Japanese community outside of Japan.
Fast and Furious: Ethiopia Drift
African Presidents Private Planes when they went to Addis Ababa for a conference
Ethiopian Airbus 350
Every month
If you could have a conversation with your younger self, what would you say?
what is this
Watching it for 9th time
How to get out of Ethiopia?
Are damage reductions equal?