Sun opener help!
What kind of tree would you like to see added to Minecraft?
Check out these absolute units of yaupon
Favourite painting? For me it's Ian The Pig
What to grow this year? Zone 7-8
Is this a lophophora?
Found at Home Depot
Which cactus is it?
What does my art taste/smell like?
Found in Mexico
Snail Woman
Is this yaupon holly? SC
If I plant it in the ground, does it have a better chance of surviving frost weather?
Astrophytum Myriostigma with a face
I’m likely a bot
really sexy title take 2
I got a discord message tomorrow
does my art look wierd or too gross to you ?
Could Aztekium ritteri survive a trip from Ukraine to South Carolina?
Does it look legit? Loop
random meme lol
What are some legal false peyotes?
Lotus/Waterlily is Tropical Plant, it cannot grow in winter and areas with low temperatures.