Rejected assessment
Games in space?
how do i get my cats to share?
Give me your best description or analogy of what ADHD feels like.
I 27F am embarrassed by my boyfriend’s 29M social ineptness, and it’s starting to stress me out.
If you're bored then you're boring
what’s your trick for actually falling asleep?
Long may it continue!
Friends Cat Took a 180 In Behavior
How can I prevent anxiety around meal time from deteriorating my relationship with my cat?
Cat pees as soon as my partner or I leaves the house
Literal thinking?
Scaredy-Cat - Is my Calico just dramatic? Playing? Having a hard time reading her cues - Video in comments
Everything I do becomes "not a big deal" after I do it
"New thing" enthusiasm
Horrible cat fight this morning
Cats fighting all the sudden
Is everywhere in the uk just farms
Struggle is real
It was the hardest, longest piece I have ever painted
There was a racist mod to make the one black character in baldur's gate 3, white. So I used a mod to make everyone Black.