Are my reams any good?
everytime i open horion it crashes
What does "drained" mean in PVP?
Is the lossless adapter really worth it?
Tried to be nice to a kid asking for a free account
Evileye Joe is invincible
Help me decide on wallpaper
Looking for girls to join our only female kingdom
Is this towel red or orange? I have been arguing about that for 30 minutes
My girlfriend passed away just as of this Sunday, this is one of the last clips i have of her.
Do you have to always inject horion again whe you start the game?
if u see this type H
Which ancestor should I invest in next? I am about to rank Adaled into rank 5.
Can you get Banned for using Horion?
So Minecraft just completely changed its UI...
Is it almost gonna update???
Who would win?
porn advertisement?
why did horion remove the ability to chat in the discord
What did just happened?
Team activity level
Why I can't mutate team speed with life 🤔
Is Teddywave worth it?
Any of these Mythics worth pushing to rank 5? (Last 2 are my current teams)