What the fuck is up with Magti
How can normal people be functional for circa 8 hours every day?
How did you all know it was time to quit?
Hey guys, auto generated captions have "captions" option in animations but local srt captions doesnt, why?
Seeking Empath Friends Because "Normal" people scare me
ოქროს მედლის აღებას აზრი აქვს?
Rank Georgian presidents from best to worst
According to IPM Research, 65% of population supports the anti-government protests
This won't gonna end peacefully
What’s happening?
What does Dugin mean by this:
ესენი გამრავლებას რო არ იმსახურებენ კი ვიცოდით ისედაც :) | We already knew that these people don't deserve to reproduce.
Update on spy malware situation
When did Warcraft lore start going down? (10 options researched) (a poll)
About Georgian use of Swastikas!
PvP Gearing in TWW
What opinion about our generation will you defend no matter what?
why are premade groups not matched with premades?
new dark ragner visual
How would you fix racials?
Easy DPS class for noob player
How do you go from constantly gaming to not gaming at all?
The War Within Worth It?
How do people have over 575 I level already?