Look what I got 👀 Opened around 1200 Nightmare cards last night using tiny task and woke up to a Huge Nightmare Dog Card! I'm gonna try again tonight haha. I would like to try to get 3 so I can get the huge :)
LF huge nightmare dog cards
How do ppl have so many rare cards
Let me guess the update lowered rare card rate
I'm trying to opem the Card packs but i can't, someone with the same problem?
Personally, the event is trash
Got 6 valentines unicorns for trade
If anyone gets a shiny of this message me, I will give 1b+
Who much is treasure charm worth
Finally dude! 120m down the drain tho but worth it honestly!
Did you know they changed rebirths?!
New players are at a huge disadvantage
To be able to bare witness to this is crazy, I never thought someone would be on 35
Any idea on tomorrow's update?
Looking for these little dudes. Will buy bulk too
How are people getting the new huges ?
this has to be horrible luck bro
it goes on
What’s this worth
Please tell me that restart made unicorns easier to hatch.... jfc.
What are your opinions on this event?
is this a good deal? sold it for 100m i think i shouldve went for more