Illegal Logging (has this been posted yet? Quest after "Chilly")
[BUG] Yeah, this hasn't been fixed at all. Big raid 20+ kills/couple of missions done= no progress.
[Discussion] Company Director's Room Key?
Bitcoin inflation on PvE still increases [Discussion]
Things not saved after extracting? PvE
[Discussion] 0.16 issues status update
[Discussion] new item icons fucking ugly
Best way to encounter RFID? [Suggestion]
Zombie help on Labs [Suggestion]
Thank you BSG for putting invisible walls on extractions. "Slaughterhouse" done
Are bosses and scavs still friendly on 0% infected maps?
Is this a bug or does it need to be 5.01?
Killing Zryachiy and its consequences [Discussion]
Level 7 on Ground Zero be Like.....
Has anyone seen the price of backpacks on the flee lately?? [Discussion]
This will go well.
[Discussion] Extremely low performance?
Do your Quest Slaughterhouse during this Event (If you got it) [Screenshot]
Planned to do all 180 kills at once on the 3 maps but you still need a Labs card to transit to The Labs even if its free access *sadreact*
New task 6727ef2c6015b7cc540ea754 name
Avarage scrolling experience right now
[BUG] Scavs are shooting me during scav runs?!
New Quest from Jager, Burn it Down.
Quest Bullshit - Zombies count as Scavs [Bug]