Good thriller suspense series?
Are You a Horrible Woman Who Received a Bullshit XMas Gift?
oh no!... wait✋🏽 let me set up my phone and cry real quickly 😌
New house build, which flooring would you choose?
On a Ten hour flight from Seoul Korea to San Francisco, a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her 4 month old child cried during the flight. A very touching gesture by the mother.
What do you think their Zodiac signs are? I have a few guesses
You’re born as a baby but with your brains now. What’s the first thing you say to your mother?
Have any of you been in denial about your trauma for most of your life?
When did you get your period?
Do you have problems with looking presentable?
bpd and edibles
anyone else think they are smart and stupid and pretty and ugly?
Ayo’s speech about Ayo
Why do I hate the bathroom I thought I would love
Do autistic people tend to be frugal?
Feeling ill from burnout, anyone else relate?
Is it weird to get annoyed with other autistic/ ADHD people?
Does anyone else feel like they’re constantly daydreaming and living on autopilot?